Grand Strategy

  • Начальный уровень
  • Наставник: Нет
  • Сертификат: Есть
  • Формат: Online
  • Рассрочка: Нет
  • Язык: Русский
  • Осталось мест: не ограничено

Grand Strategy

The purpose of the course is to form the audience`s understanding of the basics of national security strategy, the main concepts of this area of politics and defense, the risks of crisis situations in the area of the national security.

The objectives of the course are:

-    - familiarization with the basic concepts of national security strategy;

-    - identification of various ideological approaches to this area of politics and defense;

-    - updating knowledge about how to manage crisis situations in this area.

Для кого этот курс?
  • The course is designed for all people interested in issues of modern international politics. The course structure is designed to help political science students gain a comprehensive understanding of the national security system.
Программа обучения
Grand Strategy Paradigm
  • Interpretations of the grand strategy concept
  • The importance of grand strategy for effective statecraft
  • Geopolitics and grand strategy
The founding fathers of grand strategy
  • Sun Tzu (544—496 BC)
  • Thucydides (ca. 460-400 ВС)
  • Niccol? Machiavelli (1469-1527) and Carl von Clausewitz (1780-18
The modern U.S. grand strategy
  • Ideological schools of American foreign policy
  • Modern approaches to U.S. grand strategies
  • Recent developments in U.S. grand strategies
The British grand strategy
  • The grand strategy of NATO
  • The transatlantic bridge
  • Challenges and solutions
The EU. French and German grand strategies
  • The emerging EU grand strategy
  • French grand strategy
  • German grand strategy
The modern grand strategy of China
  • China`s hierarchy of national security priorities
  • Domestic reforms as internal manifestation of grand strategy
  • BRI as an external manifestation of grand strategy
The grand strategies of India and Japan
  • The grand strategy of India
  • The grand strategy of Japan
The future of grand strategy
  • The future of grand strategy
  • The final test



    МГИМО реализует 112 программ по 18 направлениям: международные отношения, зарубежное регионоведение, политология, юриспруденция, экономика, журналистика, реклама и связи с общественностью, менеджмент, государственное и муниципальное управление, бизнес-информатика, торговое дело, туризм, педагогика, психология, социология, лингвистика, финансы и кредит, экология и природопользование. В МГИМО преподают 53 иностранных языка (рекорд Гиннесса). МГИМО — лидер по баллу ЕГЭ абитуриентов (97,98). МГИМО реализует 27 международных сетевых программ и сетевые программы с российскими вузами: МФТИ, МИСиС, МГУ, РГУФК, РГУНГ, КубГАУ, СтГАУ, РГГМУ.