Постер курса

Открытое образование

Public Economics

  • Начальный уровень
  • Наставник: Нет
  • Сертификат: Есть
  • Формат: Online
  • Рассрочка: Нет
  • Язык: Русский
  • Осталось мест: не ограничено

Public Economics

Организатор курса: НИУ ВШЭ

This course offers an introduction into the public economics theory. It does not aspire to cover theories of taxation, public expenditures, regulation etc. at length and in-depth. Rather, our ambition is to give a bird's-eye view of central themes of public economics and related disciplines, and teach concepts, logic, and ideas, rather than methods of analysis, which would require an entirely different course format.